segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

You can only love

♥ You can only love someone who can make you smile
You can only love those who care for you. Who do you put on your lap, tuck you in its embrace.
You can only love those who do their your strength, your love and even your breath whenever you need it. You can only love to give you a hand and not let go no matter what life gives you.
You can only love those who show you everything you feel, not b...y a thousand words, not through a thousand gestures but through a unique look, one kiss, one single moment.
You can only love who makes you smile from the first moment, and in moments of grief and despair, take you away from everything that makes you cry. So you can love one who never give you up, never let you also give up. He that will show you what the right way and it helps you to realize every time you err, and to amend.
You can only love one who is always there, even that far, without worrying about time, subject, or as long as you have to offer.
You can only love this man, because only this Want somebody loves you for you, too ♥

realizable ?....

2 comentários:

  1. Poderia ficar o dia todo por aqui
    ouvindo esta doce canção.........
    Mas o dia me chama, e a vontade de olhar
    como está o dia lá fora se faz necessário.....


  2. MAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...a melodia é minha podes ouvir mas não te podes deliciar...vai lá para o dia que te chama que há noite ela por mim chamará!!!

    Aprecia a escrita, deixa a melodia para eu dançar!
    Beijo *.*
